Matt has consulted in the area of forensic accounting for over twenty years and has testified in the areas of forensic accounting, fraud investigation, data analytics, performance audits, and lost profits. His understanding of database technology and data analytics allows him to perform forensic accounting and fraud investigation work on very large and complex assignments. He has worked on a variety of engagements, including the computation of lost profits, economic damages, royalty audits, internal audit consulting, tracing analyses, and advanced data analytics.
He has conducted fraud investigations for government entities, hospitals, schools, and private companies. Matt’s experience includes providing services in several specialty industries including biotechnology, food and beverage service, financial services, telecommunications, oil & gas, and construction. Matt has also conducted forensic accounting work related to estates and trusts. Matt’s work frequently involves accounting reconstructions and tracing analyses to help understand what happened to client money.
He earned his Master of Professional Accountancy degree from Metro State University of Denver, where he was an affiliate professor and taught a graduate-level course titled “Data Analytics in a Fraud and Litigation Context.” Matt previously worked in the valuation and forensic services group of a national public accounting firm and for the litigation and investigations division of a public consulting firm.